Ford Puts Its Lights On For Safer Driving
Ford Puts Its Lights On For Safer Driving
Posted on July 20, 2015
For every hour spent designing the latest Ford models on our lot, equal time is spent researching and developing new technologies to keep drivers safe. The latest, Advanced Front Lighting, is currently in development over in Europe and promises quite a bit of potential if it comes to the American market.
The core of Ford's latest tech is visibility. According to European statistics, one in five car accidents happen on unlit roads. To rectify this, Ford employed a combination of infrared sensory, camera, and GPS technology that causes the headlamps to illuminate curves in the road, and pedestrians from as far as 350 feet away.
How accurate is it, you may ask? Watch the video below to find out.
Are you ready to meet the latest and greatest lineup of new Ford models? If you're in Wetaskiwin, AB, that would be us here at Denham Ford. Stop on by today.